Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Happy 1 Year Cancer Free!

One year ago today I had my mastectomy.  So I am now 1 year cancer free.  Everything is healed but I still need my finishing work done.  I will probably do it sometime next year.  I still have some more weight to lose.  I have been losing about 1 pound a month.  I am down about 10 lbs now.  It's a good start.

Sean is home from daycare.  He has been throwing up.  MIL has been in the hospital for the last few days.  Rob is going to see her today.  Hopefully she will be out by Christmas.  I know it sucked last year when I was in the hospital for Christmas.  What a day already.

I hope everyone has a Happy Holiday and a Happy New Year!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving

Thankful for my health and that the family is relatively healthy too.

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Oncologist and Endocrinologist

I had my appointments with the oncologist and endocrinologist on Wednesday.  I took the day off of work because I had to go into Manhattan for the appointments.  At least I got to meet Rob for lunch.

The endocrinologist appointment was first.  She was glad to hear that I have lost some weight.  I now need to up my metformin from 1000mg to 2000 in the next month.  We will see how that goes.  I go back and see her in 3 months.

The oncology appointment went OK as well.  She checked me out.  We discuss my many side-effects from all my meds including Tamoxifen.  I am not happy with it, but I have no choice really.  The hot flashes aren't that bad, but if the do get bad the Dr. said that there are meds they can give me.  She also is concerned about my headaches in the morning and my blurry vision.  I think it is a combination of my metformin and the celexa (for my IBS) that I have just started taking.  But since I am a cancer patient she has to rule out anything else, so she wants me to have another MRI of my head/brain. (Insert joke here)  Last one I had was in June when I was having numbness in my left hand, but it was before these recent issues.  She said she will give me 2 weeks to see if they resolve before I have to get it.  She also discussed with me about a IV called Zometa, for calcium.  It is suppose lower reoccurrence of breast cancer by 30%, so we will probably do it next time we see her in 4 months.  The IV is every 6 months and will help with bone loss.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Monday, November 15, 2010


I had my first mammogram today since the surgery.  They gave me all clear and normal.  Hooray.  Next appointment will be in 6 months.

On a side note, having a mastectomy on one side means only having one breast squashed instead of two.  Hooray for that.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Turning 40

One year ago today, I got a biopsy on my left breast on my 39th birthday.  The reason I got it done that day?  The day before, on October 28th, I had my mammogram and ultrasound.  I wanted to get the biopsy done as soon as possible.  “Next day appointment…you have an opening. Great!”  I never really thought about it as being my birthday, more of the fact of getting it done to finding out quickly.  It took 4 days to get the results and on November 2nd, I found out it was positive for cancer.

Today is my 40th birthday.  My chemo is done.  My hair is growing back.  I am working again.  I am still on the Tamoxifen for 4 more years.  I still have some finishing work to do on the reconstruction.  Other than that, I am alive and happy.  I am a Survivor.  The cancer will be just a blimp on the radar after a while.  Yes, I will have to go to the oncologist for the rest of my life, but that is a small price to pay for my life: to watch my son grow up, to grow old with my husband, to be alive.

This month is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.   This month, people will wear pink and wear ribbons.  There will be walks, talks, articles and reports about Breast Cancer.  Women and men will do their self-exams.  Yes, men get it too.  But you have to continue to be aware.  Keep doing your self-exams.  I did them periodically.  I felt something in July 2009.  I had my annual checkup with my general practitioner.  He examined me, but ruled it out as the muscle being a little firmer.  That is what I thought too.  I saw him a few more times that month for high white blood count.  Something was going on with me, but we figured it was just some infection because my numbers finally went down.  I forgot about my breast issue until I went in to see my gynecologist 3 months later on October 13.  By that time, it had broken through the walls of the milk duct and you could feel a pea-sized mass.  It wasn’t there in July.  I was nervous, but she was optimistic.  She told me to get the mammogram within the next few weeks.  I was 38 years old.

I was lucky.  I was “only” Stage IIa ductal and infiltrating carcinoma with microscopic traces in one of the lymph nodes.  If I hadn’t seen my gynecologist when I did, it could have spread further.  Since I was sporadic at best about my self-exams, it could have been a lot worse.  I am now more diligent about my self-exams, even though I get one from one of my many doctors every 2-3 months now.

This is not how I imagined being 40, but who imagines having cancer?  On the plus side, I get to try out new hairdos as my hair grows back.  I got a tummy tuck from the reconstruction surgery.  Hello flat stomach!  I also belong to a group that no one wants to be a member of, but has some fabulous people in it.

So, Happy Birthday to me!  I am proud to be 40.  I am happy that I made it to 40.  I am happy that I am alive and healthy.  I am happy to have a wonderful husband, son and family.  I could not have gotten through this year without their support and help.  Here’s to 40!

Monday, September 13, 2010


I had an appointment with the endocrinologist last week again.  I have lost a few pounds, but I think I have lost more inches.  She changed me from the regular metformin to the long lasting.  We will see how that goes.  She also wanted me to repeat the 24 hour urine test, but I have time, since I am not going back to see her for 2 months.

For the first time since the surgery, I put on my medieval clothing for a fair at Sands Point.  The new breast definitely acts differently than the old one.  I think I will have to fix my clothing so it fits better.  I still have to get my finishing work done on my breast and belly, but the bodice definitely fit weird now.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Website Name Change

I changed my website name, so I can make it public again.  Let me know if anyone has problems accessing the new site.

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I saw the oncologist on Wednesday.  Sean had to go with me since she changed my appointment from next week and he was on vacation.  He was very good.  I spoke to the oncologist about the side effects from the tamoxifen, bone density and still being pre-menopausal. She wants me to take a bone density IV every 6 months since the tamoxifen decreases it.  They only problem with the drug is problems healing from dental work.  She wants me to see the dentist before I start.  I see her again in 3 months and we can discuss about it then.  She also talked about taking a drug like lupron to stop my periods, since my cancer is estrogen based.  I am still not happy with that idea.  That is why I did the chemo.  I will talk to her about that at my next appointment as well.  She did state that the bone density meds has a 30% less chance of recurrence for post menopausal women.  I have some things to decide.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Doctor Appointments

I had 2 doctor appointments this week.  I saw the plastic surgeon and he officially said that my belly wound is now closed.  Finally after 8 months.  I can go swimming now.  He liked how the scar looked, even though it is really bad.  He advised me to wait a while for the scar to soften and for me to lose weight before he will fix it.  I probably won't do anything until next year anyway.  I don't have to go back to see him until I am ready for the surgery.

I saw the breast surgeon yesterday.  She was very happy with how the reconstructed breast looks.  She advised me not to get a reduction on the good one to match the reconstructed one.  She too, advised me to lose weight and see what happens.  She doesn't recommend anything be done to the good one, even though the plastic surgeon thought it would be ok.  She said that the scars could cause issues checking for cancer later.  She said she would give me a prescription for a prosthesis, but I will wait and see.

So, I will lose weight, exercise and wait and see what happens.  I got back and see her in 8 months, even though she wanted to see me in appointments available.  Also I have to get a mammogram in November.  I only need it on the right side, since the left is reconstructed.

Friday, July 30, 2010


So I exchanged business cards with someone yesterday and she looks at me and says, "No wonder you wear such a short haircut, your an artist." ????

I also started the metformin today.  We will see how that goes.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I saw the endocrinologist last week.  She said my blood work was not too abnormal, which did not indicate whether or not I had PCOS.  I do have other symptoms.  I did get my period for the first time on tamoxifen the week before so the blood test results could be a little off.  I hadn't had it since April, while on the chemo.  She gave me a Rx for metformin and told me to come back in a month.  She also wants me to start a diet like South Beach again.  I was successful on it before.  I figured I would start the meds tomorrow.  I have to try to figure out how to be on South Beach and not have artificial sweeteners.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sean & Mommy

As you can see, my hair is growing back in.  I kind of like it.

Friday, July 9, 2010


My belly is officially closed.  The doctor's assistant did remove the scab since she said it was hard skin and would not heal properly.  Now all I have is what she calls an abrasion.  I only need to put on bacitracin until it heals up completely.  I still can't go in the water, but hopefully when I go back to see her in a month, yes a month, it will be healed and I can go in the water in August.

I also had my blood drawn today and the phlebotomist did great.  I had to had 10 viles drawn and she got my bad vein on the first try.  I was so happy that I asked to speak to her supervisor and give her kudos.  I told her she won the gold star for today.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Nerve Test

I had the nerve test done.  The doctor determined that I have no nerve damage or carpal tunnel.   He could not give me a reason for the pins and needles.  He told me it will just get better.  I didn't like his answer because I had this problem prior to the surgery and it got worse after.  I think it was a cop-out and it sounded like he was saying it was in my head and not a real issue, since they did not find a problem on the test.  I will talk to the neurologist after she gets the report.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Endocrinologist & Nerve Test

I saw the endocrinologist yesterday.  She discussed with me about going back on metformin to help regulate my hormones while on the tamoxifen.  She does want me to get a blood test and a 24 hour urinalysis to confirm my hormone levels and to make sure that I am not having any problem with my cortisol levels.  She doesn't think I do.  I go back and see her in 3 weeks.

Tomorrow, I get to have a nerve test done on my left arm/hand that is still numb.  Since the spinal tap came back clear, they still need to find out why I am having problems with it.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

All Clear

The final cytology came back on the spinal tap and it is all in the normal range.  They want me to go get a nerve test on the left arm, but they will not be able to do the muscle test due to the mastectomy and risk of lymphodema.

My hair is growing in and it is all fuzzy.  Rob says it feels like Angie's fur.  It is com ing in pretty dark.  Doesn't look very blond to me.

I also saw the plastic surgeon and my belly hole is just about closed.  She thinks it will be closed by the time I see her in 2 weeks.  Ugly scar, but that can always be fixed.

Monday, June 21, 2010

MRI & Spinal Tap

I had the MRI on Thursday and the rest of my spine looks fine.  The spinal tap was horrible.  It took her 3 times to get it in correctly.  I also wound up with a muscle spasm on the left side of my lower back the rest of the weekend.  I have a mild spinal tap headache which has been getting better.  I got the preliminary results of the spinal tap this morning and it looks normal.  We are still waiting on the the cytology, which the doctor said should be in later today or in the morning.

My plastic surgeon appointment for today was canceled and I will got on Friday.  My belly is looking good...almost closed.

Friday, June 11, 2010

Just When You Thought It Was Safe to Back in the Water

I figured I needed to update everyone with what was going on.  I have seen the plastic surgeon, oncologist and a neurologist since the last time I posted.

I am starting to feel better and getting stronger everyday.  I am still tired walking for a long time, but it is getting easier.  My hair is growing in.  It is about a 1/4 inch now and looks dark.  We will see what it will look like when it grows in a little more.

I saw the plastic surgeon to discuss my additional surgeries.  I will need to get to a weight that will make me happy first before he can continue with any of the additional surgeries.  Also my belly will have to be closed fully before he can fix up the scar on my stomach.  Since I have finished chemo, my stomach wound has begun healing quickly.  It should be closed up within a few months.  The scar looks like I got cut open with a can opener, but the surgeon assures me that he can fix it.  I also need to finish my surgery on my breasts.  I need to get a reduction on the good one and he needs to fix and finish the reconstructed one.  He is also going to do some liposuction into the area above the reconstructed breast to fill in the area left hollow by the mastectomy.  I joked with him to take it from my thighs, but he said that he will only need a shot glass full to fill in the area.

The oncologist saw me a few weeks ago.  I will have to see her every 3 months for the first year.  She started me on the breast cancer drug Tamoxifen.  The side effects suck, but they keep telling me that it will get better.  She also gave me a diuretic to help take down the swelling in my legs from the chemo drugs.  She also sent me for a MRI on my brain and cervical spine for the numbness in my left hand.  After those results came in, the oncologist wanted me to see a neurologist.  I also received a bone scan, since the Tamoxifen can cause osteoporosis. I have to take 1500mg of calcium a day to help with that.

I saw the neurologist yesterday.  Most of my MRI was fine, the brain scan did show sinusitis and for one area on my cervical spine that was a little brighter than the rest of it.  She advised that it could be normal for me, but she wanted to send me for more tests.  I have 2 more MRIs next Thursday on the rest of my spine.  I am also getting a spinal tap to check for cancer cells in the spinal fluid, just as a precaution.  She advised that the after the spinal tap, the MRI could light up, so she needs to get one beforehand. This would be why I am getting a MRI before the spinal tap so she can have a baseline.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

On the Mend

I saw the plastic surgeon nurse on Monday.  She said my belly is looking good.  She did advise me not to swim this summer while the wound is open, but she said that as the chemo leaves my body, the healing will begin to be quicker. 

I had a little scab fall off on the other side of the belly and noticed that there is still a stitch in it that they forgot.  I spoke to the nurse and she wanted me to come in yesterday when I found it, but I said I was coming in on Monday to see them.  She was hesitant, but said ok and to watch it.

I have been feeling better each day.  I am still a little weak and tired, but doing better.  I think I might even start driving the boys in the morning next week, so I have the car during the day, if I want it.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Done with Chemo...On to the Next Chapter

I had my last chemo treatment on Monday.  I am very glad to be over with this chapter of the treatment.  I still have a long recovery, but things will be different now.  My oncologist said that I will be feeling about 60% better in 6-8 weeks and the rest could take 6 months to a year.  I go back and see her in a month to start the tamoxifen for 5 years.  This will keep my risk of recurrence of the breast cancer down.

I got into the room and had a different nurse, but I had a bed room which I liked better.  She was able to get the IV in on the first try.  I was very happy about that.  She wasn't a very friendly one, but I didn't care as it was my last time.  I got my foot massage and relaxed.  Rob & Debbie came by for lunch to see me and Mom.  Debbie told me to ring the bell when I was done with my treatment and I made sure to do so, along with saying a poem.  I got some hugs from the nurses and it was nice to say that I hope never to see them again.

The poem reads: Ring this bell, three times well.  It's toll will clearly say, My treatments done, This course has run and Now I'm on my way!

Everyone kept asking me what I was going to do to celebrate.  I honestly wasn't even thinking about it.  I just was happy to be done.  My Mom said she will bring me some nice chocolate pastries from the french bakery today.  I think a nice celebration will be done when I can actually taste my food again.

After we left chemo, I went to the plastic surgeon.  My belly was cleaned and we quickly discussed my continuing surgeries.  He would like me to get to a weight that I am happy with before he does any major part of surgery, but I can have some quick fixes if needed.  We will discuss more in a few weeks.

I am still continuing with this blog, since I am not done with everything yet, but I want to thank everyone for their support so far.  It has been really great to know that I have so many people that care about me.  I have a few goals to get to...can't wait to get my taste buds back, the hair I am not so concerned about, my new normal in life would be nice, my strength back and my 40th birthday in October. 

By the way, yesterday, I got out of the house and walked all the way to shopping center for the first time by myself.  It was nice to be able to do.  Sean will be happy when I can finally run after him and go down the slide in the playground.  I will be too.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Here Comes the Last Time

Tomorrow is the last chemo treatment...4 of 4.  Hooray! I am so happy.  Hopefully, my taste buds will come back before my hair which is expected to grow back in 6-8 weeks after the final treatment.  Also,  I am hoping that my belly will start healing up faster and maybe be able to go swimming by the end of the summer.  I don't know yet when the plastic surgeon will do the rest of the surgeries.  I can wait on that.

Mom is coming with me tomorrow.  We are taking the bus in and Rob is driving in earlier to be at work and to be able to drive me home later.  I get my bloods done, a visit with the oncologist, chemo and then over the NYU hospital to see the nurse practitioner to check out my belly.

Rob made my yummy dinner for me tonight of scallops, green beans and port wine reduction.  I also got my Godiva chocolates yesterday.  My treat for each chemo.  After this, back to watching what I eat.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Getting there

I saw the nurse practitioner on Monday and she likes how my belly is healing.  Last time, they gave me new packing to use in the wound and it seems to be making the opening heal better.  It is definitely a slow process.  Also she said there isn't enough skin to actually close the opening, so we will have to wait for it to close naturally.  I hope after the chemo is done that it will speed up a bit.

Sean said again that he likes my scratchy head.  I asked him if he wanted a haircut like mommy's and he said no.  He just like rubbing my head.

I took him into the city yesterday to Rob's office to take you child to work day and he had a good time.  He got to ride on the bus and the LIRR.  He colored all day with Mommy and had pizza and ice-cream.  He liked it.  Needless to say I am tired and sore today.  My last treatment is on Monday.  Hooray!!

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Almost Done

It's been a rough week and a half since the last chemo.  I am having problems dealing with it this time.  It started on chemo day.  My regular nurse practitioner was not available and they gave me someone new.  Then when I got into chemo and my regular chemo nurse was not available and I was not happy with the nurse I was given.  First, they didn't have a bed-type room with a window, only a closed one and I get very claustrophobic.  My regular nurse holds one for me even though they are not suppose to.  Since I got there so late from the first appointment, nothing was available with a window, so I opted for a chair with a window.  The chairs are very uncomfortable when you still have a hole in your stomach and a bad back.  The chairs are only closed by a curtain and it was very noisy.  The lady across from me had very loud visitors.  It was hard to relax.  I know this might seem petty, but when you expect certain things and it is already a difficult time, it doesn't help.

So finally, I get into the chair and the nurse tries to put the iv in and misses.  I go ouch and he says did that hurt?  HUH????  I said please get someone else.  You only get one chance.  I have bad veins.  I guess I insulted him.  He got someone else and they got it in after running my arm under hot water.  The rest of the treatment was ok.

After my treatment, I went to the plastic surgeon to see the nurse practitioner again as usual.  Rob picked me and mom up and we went home.

Overall, the side effects weren't strong, but I lost my taste buds longer this time.  I am still having problems tasting after a week and a half. I am tired with stomach upset, but overall not too bad.  Having Sean around helps since he gets me out of the house in the evening to play with him.  He still likes kissing my head saying it is scratchy.

Monday, I ran into the plastic surgeon before my appointment with the nurse practitioner. He is happy with what he has heard from her.  He would like my belly to heal on it's own.  I am ok with that.  I have about a 2 inch hole on the left.  The rest of the incision is closed and looks like I was opened with a rusty can opener.  I was thinking today that I probably wouldn't able to go swimming this summer with it open.

Almost done...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Round 3 of 4

Next round of chemo is tomorrow.  I will be more than half way done.  Not looking forward to the side effects again, but it is good to know I can handle this.  Just my mom is going with me this time, since Sean is still home from daycare for the holidays.  Rob is going to stay home with him.  Mom and I will take the bus in and Rob will pick us up when I am I done.

Some of my eyelashes starting falling out this week and my eyebrows are thinning. I have stubble on my head, which keeps falling out too.  I can't wait for my hair to start to grow back.  It will be nice.  I also realized that I am burning easier from the sun.  That is expected.  I am fair to begin with and now it is worse.  I have to be careful.

I will see the plastic surgeon again after my chemo.  The opening in my belly is getting smaller.  My belly scar looks like I got opened by a can opener.  I can't wait for the surgeon to fix it when I am done with the chemo.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

BRCA Gene Testing

This is good news. I had this test done and the insurance paid for it. It was very expensive. This will help bring down cost. It also took 4-6 weeks to get. Maybe if other labs have it, it won't take as long.

From the NY Times:

On Monday, Mr. Sweet, a United States district judge in Manhattan, ruled that parts of patents held by Myriad Genetics covering two breast cancer genes, known as BRCA1 and BRCA2, were invalid.

Myriad analyzes those genes in an expensive test that predicts whether a woman is at a high risk of getting breast or ovarian cancer. The plaintiffs in the case, which included various medical groups and the American Civil Liberties Union, said the patents on DNA were illegal and impeded access to the testing.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I actually did some light gardening yesterday.  I had to clean up my garden from the winter.  Rob did most of the heavy work.  I probably won't be able to plant anything new this year, but I have some nice perennials though.  It tired me out, but at least I was moving around.

My belly is looking ok.  The scar is pretty nasty.  Looks like I got opened up with a can opener.  I know the plastic surgeon will fix it when the chemo is done.  I still have a small 2 inch opening, not very deep.  Most of my chemo side effects are gone.  My scalp is breaking out/rashy.  I guess it doesn't like not having hair.

Tomorrow, I have the plastic surgeon again for another follow up and then we are going over to my Aunt's for Passover.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Strep For Me

After having Sean home for two days, he is finally back at daycare today.  He threw up Monday night, fever on Tuesday and a rash on Wednesday.  I took him to the doctor on Wednesday because of the rash.  He was positive for strep.  They did a test on me too and it was negative.  This morning the rash on Sean was gone, but he said he didn't want to go to daycare.  I asked him why and he said he wanted to stay home and play with his toys and he will go tomorrow.  We finally got him dressed and off he went with Rob.

It was rough having him home, but it was also nice at the same time.  I am very tired today.  At least Rob didn't have to take off the time from work considering daycare is closed next week and a half for the holidays.  Rob will be home for a few of the days and I know now I can handle him.  I just also have to nap when Sean does or if he does.

Most of my side effects from this round of chemo are gone.  I am only tired with a slight upset GI.  I do have a rash on the back of my head, but I think that is more of the short hair, hats and couch than anything else.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Not doing too bad.  Overnights seems to be the worst on how I am feeling physically.  This round isn't definitely not as bad as the first round.  I am very tired though.  I am happy to be half way done.

I was getting Sean ready for bed last night on his changing table.  He reaches over, grabs my head, pulls it down and gives me a big kiss on the top of my bald head and hugs me.  He says, "I like your hair, Mommy."  Cute, considering I don't have any, but it just melted my heart.  He then continued to give me more kisses.  It's nice to see it not bothering him.  We haven't made a big deal out of it, so I guess he won't either.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Side Effects Starting Again

This is the worse of it...knowing some of it is coming.  My throat is getting dry.  The nurse gave me some "magic mouthwash" (with Maalox and lidacane) this time.  I couldn't sleep very well last night.  My bad nerve in my stomach is hypersensitive. Neck is starting to hurt too, along with my gums.  At least I am half way done with my treatment and I am just about bald.  I don't have to worry about my hair coming out anymore.  Hopefully, it will be nice enough to sit outside in the fresh air.  I am also getting a visit from my parents, so I won't be home by myself all day, especially when I can't move too well.

Yesterday, I got out for a little while in the yard and watched Sean play t-ball.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Half Way Done

I had my second chemo today.  It went well.  I have 2 more to go.  The nurses at the NYU Center are great.  They are very nice and efficient.  I also got a foot massage from a free masseuse.  I can get a neck or foot massage every time I go for chemo.  Nice perk.  Rob came with me and we were out of there by 1:15.  I am wearing the nice turban my mother made for me in my favorite color.

We then went over to the plastic surgeon for a wound check.  The nurse practitioner said it was looking good and in a few weeks, they might be able to sew the hole closed.  Hooray!

I also got a call from my GYN today.  My pap smear came back with some abnormal cells, but negative for HPV.  She thinks it might be from the chemo.  I hope so.  She wants me back for another one after the chemo is over in July.  I did learn that HPV test is also good for testing for cervical cancer and since that is negative, it is probably a good thing.  Also I am on chemo now, so if anything is wrong, hopefully the chemo will help it.  I also called the oncologist with the news.  I will see what she will want to do.  I did just talk to my cousin Windy and she said they told her aunt not to get one during chemo because of false positives.  So, I won't worry.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Second Chemo Appointment

My second treatment for my chemo is tomorrow.  After that, I will be half way done.  I will only have 2 more treatments to go.  Hooray!  Unfortunately, my Mom can't go with me this time.  Her power is still half out on Fire Island.  Rob is going to go.  He took the day off.

After my chemo, I will be seeing the plastic surgeon again for a follow up.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Interesting to be bald

I can now see lots of scalp.  The little pieces of hair have mainly fallen out on top.  I have a little on the sides and back.  Rob thinks it is funny that he can pull out the little hairs with ease.  At least my hats aren't pulling on the little hairs.  It is a little more comfortable.

We went food shopping today in the rain  We also had a nice day with Sean.  Rob made brisket for dinner and Sean was so happy to have a chocolate chip cookie for dessert.  We listened were music and when Careless Whisper came on, Rob said, "yucky" and Sean said, "It's for dancing." and he started bopping back and forth.

Good day.

Tomorrow, I start my meds for my 2nd chemo treatment on Monday. I will half way done as of Monday!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Out & About

I got my wig fitted and cut today.  Still not happy with it because it is straight on top and wavy on the bottom.  Nothing like my regular style, but I probably won't wear too much anyway.  Mainly, I will use it for work and such.  I did by this little curly thing that sticks out the bottom of a hat.  I probably will wear that more.  I will take pictures of the different looks when Rob is home.

I treated myself to a mani/pedi today also.  I figured if I can get out of the house I will do it the Friday before my next treatment.  It will give me something nice to look forward to before the chemo on Monday.  I painted my nails a nice green in honor of St. Paddy's Day.

I also lost half of my stubble on my head today in the shower.  I figure most of it will be gone by Monday.  I can't wait for all of it to fall out because it makes a crunchy sound on my pillow (I did start wearing a hat to sleep in) and it is getting stuck on anything I wear on my head.  Sean was cute today and looked at my head and said, "Mommy, your hair is falling down."  This meant to him that I did not have hair and not that it was falling out.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fabulously Bald

On Sunday, my hair started falling out from the chemo.  I got a bad headache before it started and my hair felt heavy.  I thought it was funny that I could just pull out handfuls of hair.  It was really weird.  I decided on Monday for Rob to shave my head.  We were going to have Sean help.  He watched a bit, but wasn't too interested.  He decided to read some books and keep crawling under the tripod since we were also video taping it.  It took a while because we were using Rob's mustache trimmer.  It worked though.  Rob tried giving me a mohawk first.  It wasn't too successful.  He also saved his favorite curl for last.  On Friday, I am going to get my wig fitted.

Getting started:

Rob attempting a mohawk: 

One Curl to Go:

All Done:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Feeling Better

Sorry it has taken so long to post.  It's been a rough few weeks.  I was feeling fine after the chemo until the 3rd day and it was downhill from there.  I was very sore in my neck, head and throat, tired, my teeth hurt, nothing tasted good and it hurt to eat.  I was feeling better on Saturday (Day 6), but in the evening my stomach/IBS was a wreck and I had severe back cramps and that was bad until Tuesday.  I also got a rash on my hands.  Everything I got were side effects.  Now I know what to expect for next time.

My belly is doing good.  I got some of the stitches out last Monday and the rest of them today.  The nurse practitioner was very happy with how it is looking.  I still have a hole in my belly about 2 inches by 1/2 inch  wide by 1/2 inch deep.  She said it will probably take at least another month for it to heal.  I am happy with that especially with what it looked like before.

Saturday night my head was hurting.  I thought it was from dinner.  I realized Sunday morning my hair was starting to come out and that is why my head was hurting.  So since it is coming out so much, I decided to shave it off tonight.  Rob is going to do it and we are going to have Sean help so he doesn't wake up in the morning and get scared of my bald head.  We figured if he watched and we explained to him what was happening, it would be better for him.  I will get a fitting for the wig later this week.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Here comes the fun

Tired, achy, scalp hurts, neck sore, don't want to eat, have to eat...blech.  Hopefully won't feel like this for too long.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Follow the Chemo Road

Overall it was a good day, even for having chemo.  We dropped Sean off at daycare and drove into the city.  We got there at 8:45am.  I got my blood drawn, then it was upstairs for my appointment with the oncologist. The nurse practitioner gave me the run though of the day and possible side effects after.  The oncologist examined me and it was off to chemo.  They have 2 choices of rooms. You can either have a dentist like chair or a hospital bed.  I chose the hospital bed because the room had a door instead of a curtain.  Also I think it was more comfortable with my belly still stitched.  My mom and Rob came with me.  It was nice to have the company. They also have TV's in the room.  The nurses were extremely nice and helpful. 

My biggest fear of the day was get my IV in since I have such horrible veins and they can't use my good arm now because it is on the side of the mastectomy.  The nurse looked at my veins and decided that she needed to get someone else to do it.  I really appreciated that she didn't think she could get one on the first try, so she got someone else.  The other nurse got it on the first try.  Hooray.  They first give you another rundown of the day and side effects after.  They emphasize that I am not get to the point of throwing up and if I am nauseous, take my meds.  They do not want me throwing up at all.  The IV lasts about 3 hours.  I first get saline, steroids and benedryl to help with any allergic reactions.  I was given Cytoxan first and Taxotere second.  Overall, it was not bad at all.  I even got a foot massage by the roaming massage therapist.  We are able to order in lunch, so Rob didn't even have to leave to get us anything.  One of my friends was on her last treatment today, so we got to see her and she brought a chocolate cake to celebrate. Yummy. We are out by 2:30pm. 

Here are some pics from the treatment:
 Me and Seymour, my chemo pump

Me and Rob

After we left the Cancer Center, I had an appointment with the plastic surgeon.  He is very happy with my belly.  I did have 2 pinhole size opening on one side, so he took out 2 stitches, opened the area a bit and I have to put in this aquaseal stuff in everyday into the opening.  Icky, but not too bad.  I go back on Monday to hopefully get the other stitches out.  He is liking how the rest is healing.  We will see.  Hopefully, the chemo won't interfere too much with the healing.

I slept very well last night considering I only got 3 hours of sleep the night before.  I woke up this morning feeling good, until I took the steriods.  Headache and feeling hot and yucky.  But it is the only one I have to take today until my next treatment.  My belly has been ok as long as I keep eating and drinking.  Not too bad overall.  They advised me to eats lots and lots of protein.  It helps with the healing process.  The nurse advised that it is very unlikely I will lose weight, but actually gain.   Oh well, not the time to diet.

I went into the city at 12:30 to get my Neulasta shot at 2.  It is a blood booster.  The nurse showed me how to give it to myself in the thigh and the possible side effects of back pain and/or bone pain from the bone marrow growing.  Next time, I can do it at home on my own.  It is worth the $35 co-pay to do it at home.  I was back on a bus home at 2:30.  Very wet day to have to go into the city.

I think I am going to have something to drink and some green tea ice-cream and rest until the boys get home.

Thanks again for all the good thoughts and wishes yesterday.  It was nice to see all the posts on Facebook.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

C-Day tomorrow

Tomorrow is chemo treatment 1of 4.  I started my meds today and they made me feel nauseous, so I have been snacking all day.  Rob is making a nice fish dinner for us tonight.  I get my sleeping pill and I will be out.

Rob and my Mom will be going with me for my first treatment.  I have my bag packed with snacks, blanket and things to keep me busy.  I get my blood drawn first, then I see the doctor and after that the chemo.  I also am seeing the plastic surgeon when I am done.

I would love any emails or you can call me on my cell phone tomorrow.  If you don't have my number it is on Facebook or you can email me for it.  Please send me all the good vibes and thoughts you have.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Relaxing Day/Countdown

So I treated myself to a manicure and pedicure in a nice green for St. Paddy's Day.  I know it is still a few weeks away, but I probably won't get back before then.  Beside I probably don't want to risk infection by going after the chemo.

Rob took me and Sean out to dinner with the money he won from his football pool at work from the Superbowl.  We got hamburgers, fries and rings.  I got this awesome beer from Brooklyn Brewery called Brooklyn Local 2.  It was a yummy chocolate beer.  It went great with the burgers.  It actually came in a wine bottle with a cork.  I thought the guy brought the wrong stuff at first.  Since it was so large, Rob helped me finish it.

I also picked up my meds for my chemo on Monday.  I got a steroid I have to start on Sunday, Ativan to help me relax and sleep Sunday night, and compazine for nausea, if needed.  My appointment is at 9:30am on Monday.  I also have to go back on Tuesday for a Neulasta shot.  It is a red blood cell booster.

Belly is getting better.  It is getting easier to move.  I drove today to get my nails done.  When the chemo starts, I know it will take even longer to heal.  The stitches will probably be in for a few weeks.

Sean noticed Shirley, the wig, the other night and asked what it was.  I explained to him why I had it and that I was going to lose my hair from my special medicine.  He seemed ok with the explanation.  He said something again today when he saw it.  He said to Rob that it was for Mommy when she lost her hair.  We are trying to explain things to him as they come in the simplest of terms for him to understand.  He is handling it well.

Friday, February 19, 2010

Short Hair

Very weird with the short hair.  When I went to wash it yesterday, I forgot how short it was and put the amount of shampoo I usually use on my long hair.  It was way too much.  The haircut is ok.  I am not crazy about it.  I think it is too long on the sides and it is hitting my ears, so I am putting in barrettes to pull it off my face.  It's not worth going back to get it fixed, since I will only have it for 3-4 weeks.

The belly wound is looking ok.  It doesn't seem to be opening this time.  The plastic surgeon put in a lot of stitches. It is going to take a long time to heal, especially when I start the chemo on Monday.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Haircut and New Wig

Big day today.  My belly was still hurting from all the pulling and stitching, but nothing a little percocet couldn't fix.  My mom and dad picked me up for my haircut.  The hairdresser put my hair in a ponytail and snipped.  She was only able to get 6 inches, so it is too short to donate to Locks of Love.  I am a little disappointed at that.  I got my haircut.  I think I more like my sister now.  The cut is a little longer than I was thinking of getting, but my hairdresser said to come back in a few weeks to get a shorter one before I shave/lose it.  It feels very light and weird.

Here is the before and after:

We then went to find a wig.  The place was very nice.  Since they took insurance I didn't have to lay out anything for the wig, an added plus.

Meet Shirley:
It was hard to try on the wigs with all my hair, but we got a decent idea on the look.  The lady said that they do not make many curly wigs because it is not the style right now.  I have to go back for a fitting when I lose my hair and she will trim the wig to fit my face.

I was also able to get a prosthesis for my breast, since it is not fully formed yet and the plastic surgeon is not fixing my breasts until after my chemo is finished.  I am happy with how it now looks.

The day wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  Thanks to everyone who posted thoughts and encouragement on Facebook.  It was nice to see all the comments.  Rob & Sean are not home yet.  It will be interesting to hear what Sean will say about it.  I know Rob was disappointed about me getting my haircut, but he would rather have me bald and healthy, then with a head full of hair.  I think the wig might freak him out in the middle of the night, especially since it will be sitting on my makeup table in the bedroom.  Hopefully the cats won't find it a new plaything.

I still have a way to go, but the finish line is getting closer.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

All Sewn Up Again

I went to the plastic surgeon again today.  He decided to close up everything.  He said he wasn't surprised that a few stitches had opened.  He liked the progress of the areas that were closed.  It took about an hour to reclose the wound and he did a nice job.  I know, after the chemo is done, I might need some touch up work, but I still have to have my breasts finished also.  His objective today was to get it closed, even if it did not look pretty. The belly is a little sore from today's work, but I am still having a problem with one of the nerves that runs from the incision up my belly.  I don't know if I had mentioned it before, but is the source of most of my pain and lack of movement.  The right side of my belly burns from the nerve being oversensitive. Hopefully now that the wound is closed, the nerve can heal.  He is having me massage the areas 5 times a day to desensitize it.

I am also able to get rid of the visiting nurse.  She was coming every day while the wound was open and 3 times a week when Fred was attached.  I found out the other day that I was getting charged $40 co-pay on every visit.  The total bill is probably going to be about $1000...blech.  I am trying to work out a payment plan with them, since I am still unemployed.  The doctor said that I can email him a picture of the wound everyday so he can keep an eye on it instead of the visiting nurse for infection.  If any stitches open up or there are any problems, he will give me and Rob something easy to do so we don't have to get the nurse back.

The doctor gave the ok to start chemo on Monday.  He said even though I am closed, it will still take a long time for the wound to fully heal and to expect that.  Chemo delays healing.  I am glad thought I can finally get that started.  My chemo will be every 3 weeks and I will be having 4 treatments.

Tomorrow, I am getting my haircut finally.  I will post pics tomorrow.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Belly Problems Again

The visiting nurse was just here and we measured the wound on my belly and it definitely opened more, which I knew already. The center opening is now 5cm by 2cm and one of the side ones is 5cm by 1cm. We called the plastic surgeon and he wasn't surprised about it opening and losing stitches. He wants to see me tomorrow, so I changed my haircut appointment for Wednesday.

I am still hoping to start the chemo on Monday.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

I had a very nice Valentine's day.  Rob cooked us a wonderful dinner of filet mignon with a port wine reduction, scallops and roasted asparagus.  We had chocolate mousse cake with champagne for dessert.  We don't normally exchange presents, but he got me some this year.  He got me a pair of green gem butterfly earrings and two t-shirts. Some might not find the t-shirts romantic, but it is what they said.



He also got one for himself.

I am thinking about going to see the doctor on Tuesday, since he has office hours then for him to see the wound instead of waiting until Thursday and having the nurse look at it.  If he doesn't see it and there is a problem on Thursday, it could delay my chemo.  I will probably get my haircut and my wig on Wednesday now.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Follow-up With Plastic Surgeon

I had my follow-up appointment with the plastic surgeon to check my belly wound.   The nurse saw me today, since the doctor was in surgery. Two of the three areas that the doctor left open are now closed.  I have a 1 inch hole in the center that is still draining. It is also a little red, so they are changing me to a stronger antibiotic because of that and a low grade fever.  She was overall happy with the rest of the wound.  It still needs to be fully healed for me to start chemo.  I am going back next week to see her and then the doctor on the day of the chemo.  I am going to email her pics of the wound every day so they can keep an eye on it.  That made me feel a little better about the visiting nurse not coming everyday.

Tomorrow, my mom and sister are coming over to help me watch Sean, since Rob has to help out his mom.  My sister is bringing my little nephew too.  It will be a nice day and Sean will enjoy playing with his cousin.  He adores Liam.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Starting Chemo

The oncology nurse called me today to set up my first chemo appointment.  I am going Monday, February 22nd at 9:30am.  I get a blood test, then I see the onocologist, then I get  the chemo.  I will probably be there all day.

My belly is pretty sore today and I still have drainage from the open areas of the stitching.  It was nice that the boys were home, so I had some help. The visiting nurse will be by tomorrow to check the incision and I see the plastic surgeon again on Friday.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

No More Fred

It was nice to finally get rid of Fred, the sucking wound vacuum. He did his job.  The plastic surgeon was happy with the healing so far.  His ideal situation would let it close on it's own to prevent infection, but he did not want me to delay chemo because of it.  I have to be healed to start chemo because chemo slows down healing.  It took about an hour to close the wound.  He cleaned the wound, numbed the area, sewed me up and left 3 openings for drainage.  I am limited on lifting and activity for several days, but he said my body will let me know when I can do more.  I am back on pain killers.  My belly is very sore and tight.  I got another tummy tuck from this procedure since so the wound was so wide.  I have to go back on antibiotics for 10 days again and the visiting nurse is still going to come 3 times a week to keep an eye on the healing.  I am going back to the plastic surgeon on Friday for them to check it as well.  He said that we will probably have to do some fixing of the wound after chemo, but I still have to have my breasts finished as well.  I knew that wasn't going to be done until after the chemo.  I can't wait for the belly & breast to be healed to see how my clothing will fit and maybe have to get some nice new clothing.  :)  At least I have something to look forward to after the chemo.

Rob will now be home tomorrow since daycare is going to be closed for the snow.  That will be helpful since I am having problems moving around again.  Hopefully, we will get some snow tonight so the boys can play in it tomorrow.

Monday, February 8, 2010

Time to Get Closed

Tomorrow, I am finally having my belly sewn up so I can start chemo.  They decided to do it in the doctor's office, so no anesthesia.  The nurse said I won't feel anything, which I haven't when they were cleaning up the wound.  I can't wait to get rid of "Fred" the sucking wound vac.

Here is a picture of me and Fred for the last time:

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Surgery & Haircut & Such

My surgery date to close my belly wound is set for Tuesday, February 9th.  I had to change my haircut date to the following Tuesday.  I am a little disappointed about the haircut, but at least I won't have to carry this wound vac, who I am named "Fred", around with me anymore.  It will be nice to get rid of Fred.

After we got the pictures done today, I treated myself to some Godiva chocolate.  I deserved it!


We got our pictures done today. We had a nice time and Sean cooperated.

Friday, February 5, 2010

One of Those Days

I feel blah today. I guess I should expect to have some down days. It being so grey and cold out isn't helping. I hate being stuck in the house and still having this wound vacuum attached. I can leave, but I still don't have a lot of my strength back to do it by myself. I try to think only about today, but it's hard not to think about how much longer I have with treatments.

My mom made an appointment for me for Tuesday to get my hair cut short. My Mom and sister are coming with me. Then we are going to a wig shop to pick one out for me before I lose my hair. At least my health insurance is paying for a wig and there is no price limit, so I can get a very nice one.

Tomorrow, Rob and I decided to get a family portrait done. He wanted a nice one of the three of us and me with my long hair. I know hair grows back, but a nice portrait will be nice. Hopefully the snow won't be so bad. We have a morning appointment, then Sean can play in the snow in the afternoon.

I called the plastic surgeon to find out my surgery time and found out that they are going to do the closure in the office. I am so happy that I don't have it done in the hospital. He is still going to make me sleepy, so I don't have to know what he is doing. That will be nice. They are hopefully going to call soon with the day and time for next week.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Big Couple of Days

So where to start? This past weekend I did a lot. Saturday, I was able to do our errands with Rob and Sean. We went to Macy's, Target and Babies r us. I drove home from Macy's with Rob in the car for the first time. Then in the afternoon, I felt comfortable enough to drive myself to a much needed pedicure. It was nice to get out by myself. On Sunday, we visited Rob's mom, who I haven't seen since before the surgery. Rob had been to see her every weekend as usual.

Yesterday, I went into Manhattan by express bus by myself. I decided to walk from 3rd and 34th to 1st and 32nd to NYU hospital. It was far and tiring, but I did it. I had an appointment with my plastic surgeon since we had decided on doing the chemo. I needed to discuss with him our game plan. Since my oncologist wanted to try to start chemo by 8 weeks post-op, my plastic surgeon is going to get the ball rolling to maybe get me into surgery to close my belly next week. I am currently 6 weeks post-op today. He likes how the wound vac is helping my belly heal. He cleaned up my belly again. He said there is enough skin for closure, but his ideal situation is to let it heal naturally, but he doesn't want to interfere with starting chemo. The surgery would be out patient surgery and he said he would stitches that he would have to remove in 10 days. These stitches can keep the wound open slightly to help heal properly. The whole problem is having an open wound and doing chemo. Your body does not heal easily when doing chemo. My plastic surgeon is going to coordinate dates with my oncologist. He is still happy with how my breast is healing and the rest of the reconstruction will be done after my chemo is finished.

We then went to the NYU cancer center to visit one of Rob's friends that was getting chemo. She is getting the chemo treatment that I would be getting. I toured the center and it seems nice. You have a. choice of bed or recliner chair. Each area has a TV, phone and wireless access. She explained to me the entire procedure that she is doing. It takes about 5 hours total and I would have to go back the next day for a blood booster shot called neulesta. It was helpful talking to her and seeing the center.

We then went down one flight to let the oncologist know our plans. She gave me a few prescriptions that I would need and said that we will start either the week of February 15th or 22nd.