Friday, July 30, 2010


So I exchanged business cards with someone yesterday and she looks at me and says, "No wonder you wear such a short haircut, your an artist." ????

I also started the metformin today.  We will see how that goes.

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I saw the endocrinologist last week.  She said my blood work was not too abnormal, which did not indicate whether or not I had PCOS.  I do have other symptoms.  I did get my period for the first time on tamoxifen the week before so the blood test results could be a little off.  I hadn't had it since April, while on the chemo.  She gave me a Rx for metformin and told me to come back in a month.  She also wants me to start a diet like South Beach again.  I was successful on it before.  I figured I would start the meds tomorrow.  I have to try to figure out how to be on South Beach and not have artificial sweeteners.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Sean & Mommy

As you can see, my hair is growing back in.  I kind of like it.

Friday, July 9, 2010


My belly is officially closed.  The doctor's assistant did remove the scab since she said it was hard skin and would not heal properly.  Now all I have is what she calls an abrasion.  I only need to put on bacitracin until it heals up completely.  I still can't go in the water, but hopefully when I go back to see her in a month, yes a month, it will be healed and I can go in the water in August.

I also had my blood drawn today and the phlebotomist did great.  I had to had 10 viles drawn and she got my bad vein on the first try.  I was so happy that I asked to speak to her supervisor and give her kudos.  I told her she won the gold star for today.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Nerve Test

I had the nerve test done.  The doctor determined that I have no nerve damage or carpal tunnel.   He could not give me a reason for the pins and needles.  He told me it will just get better.  I didn't like his answer because I had this problem prior to the surgery and it got worse after.  I think it was a cop-out and it sounded like he was saying it was in my head and not a real issue, since they did not find a problem on the test.  I will talk to the neurologist after she gets the report.

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Endocrinologist & Nerve Test

I saw the endocrinologist yesterday.  She discussed with me about going back on metformin to help regulate my hormones while on the tamoxifen.  She does want me to get a blood test and a 24 hour urinalysis to confirm my hormone levels and to make sure that I am not having any problem with my cortisol levels.  She doesn't think I do.  I go back and see her in 3 weeks.

Tomorrow, I get to have a nerve test done on my left arm/hand that is still numb.  Since the spinal tap came back clear, they still need to find out why I am having problems with it.