Wednesday, March 31, 2010

BRCA Gene Testing

This is good news. I had this test done and the insurance paid for it. It was very expensive. This will help bring down cost. It also took 4-6 weeks to get. Maybe if other labs have it, it won't take as long.

From the NY Times:

On Monday, Mr. Sweet, a United States district judge in Manhattan, ruled that parts of patents held by Myriad Genetics covering two breast cancer genes, known as BRCA1 and BRCA2, were invalid.

Myriad analyzes those genes in an expensive test that predicts whether a woman is at a high risk of getting breast or ovarian cancer. The plaintiffs in the case, which included various medical groups and the American Civil Liberties Union, said the patents on DNA were illegal and impeded access to the testing.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


I actually did some light gardening yesterday.  I had to clean up my garden from the winter.  Rob did most of the heavy work.  I probably won't be able to plant anything new this year, but I have some nice perennials though.  It tired me out, but at least I was moving around.

My belly is looking ok.  The scar is pretty nasty.  Looks like I got opened up with a can opener.  I know the plastic surgeon will fix it when the chemo is done.  I still have a small 2 inch opening, not very deep.  Most of my chemo side effects are gone.  My scalp is breaking out/rashy.  I guess it doesn't like not having hair.

Tomorrow, I have the plastic surgeon again for another follow up and then we are going over to my Aunt's for Passover.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

No Strep For Me

After having Sean home for two days, he is finally back at daycare today.  He threw up Monday night, fever on Tuesday and a rash on Wednesday.  I took him to the doctor on Wednesday because of the rash.  He was positive for strep.  They did a test on me too and it was negative.  This morning the rash on Sean was gone, but he said he didn't want to go to daycare.  I asked him why and he said he wanted to stay home and play with his toys and he will go tomorrow.  We finally got him dressed and off he went with Rob.

It was rough having him home, but it was also nice at the same time.  I am very tired today.  At least Rob didn't have to take off the time from work considering daycare is closed next week and a half for the holidays.  Rob will be home for a few of the days and I know now I can handle him.  I just also have to nap when Sean does or if he does.

Most of my side effects from this round of chemo are gone.  I am only tired with a slight upset GI.  I do have a rash on the back of my head, but I think that is more of the short hair, hats and couch than anything else.

Friday, March 19, 2010


Not doing too bad.  Overnights seems to be the worst on how I am feeling physically.  This round isn't definitely not as bad as the first round.  I am very tired though.  I am happy to be half way done.

I was getting Sean ready for bed last night on his changing table.  He reaches over, grabs my head, pulls it down and gives me a big kiss on the top of my bald head and hugs me.  He says, "I like your hair, Mommy."  Cute, considering I don't have any, but it just melted my heart.  He then continued to give me more kisses.  It's nice to see it not bothering him.  We haven't made a big deal out of it, so I guess he won't either.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Side Effects Starting Again

This is the worse of it...knowing some of it is coming.  My throat is getting dry.  The nurse gave me some "magic mouthwash" (with Maalox and lidacane) this time.  I couldn't sleep very well last night.  My bad nerve in my stomach is hypersensitive. Neck is starting to hurt too, along with my gums.  At least I am half way done with my treatment and I am just about bald.  I don't have to worry about my hair coming out anymore.  Hopefully, it will be nice enough to sit outside in the fresh air.  I am also getting a visit from my parents, so I won't be home by myself all day, especially when I can't move too well.

Yesterday, I got out for a little while in the yard and watched Sean play t-ball.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Half Way Done

I had my second chemo today.  It went well.  I have 2 more to go.  The nurses at the NYU Center are great.  They are very nice and efficient.  I also got a foot massage from a free masseuse.  I can get a neck or foot massage every time I go for chemo.  Nice perk.  Rob came with me and we were out of there by 1:15.  I am wearing the nice turban my mother made for me in my favorite color.

We then went over to the plastic surgeon for a wound check.  The nurse practitioner said it was looking good and in a few weeks, they might be able to sew the hole closed.  Hooray!

I also got a call from my GYN today.  My pap smear came back with some abnormal cells, but negative for HPV.  She thinks it might be from the chemo.  I hope so.  She wants me back for another one after the chemo is over in July.  I did learn that HPV test is also good for testing for cervical cancer and since that is negative, it is probably a good thing.  Also I am on chemo now, so if anything is wrong, hopefully the chemo will help it.  I also called the oncologist with the news.  I will see what she will want to do.  I did just talk to my cousin Windy and she said they told her aunt not to get one during chemo because of false positives.  So, I won't worry.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Second Chemo Appointment

My second treatment for my chemo is tomorrow.  After that, I will be half way done.  I will only have 2 more treatments to go.  Hooray!  Unfortunately, my Mom can't go with me this time.  Her power is still half out on Fire Island.  Rob is going to go.  He took the day off.

After my chemo, I will be seeing the plastic surgeon again for a follow up.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Interesting to be bald

I can now see lots of scalp.  The little pieces of hair have mainly fallen out on top.  I have a little on the sides and back.  Rob thinks it is funny that he can pull out the little hairs with ease.  At least my hats aren't pulling on the little hairs.  It is a little more comfortable.

We went food shopping today in the rain  We also had a nice day with Sean.  Rob made brisket for dinner and Sean was so happy to have a chocolate chip cookie for dessert.  We listened were music and when Careless Whisper came on, Rob said, "yucky" and Sean said, "It's for dancing." and he started bopping back and forth.

Good day.

Tomorrow, I start my meds for my 2nd chemo treatment on Monday. I will half way done as of Monday!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Out & About

I got my wig fitted and cut today.  Still not happy with it because it is straight on top and wavy on the bottom.  Nothing like my regular style, but I probably won't wear too much anyway.  Mainly, I will use it for work and such.  I did by this little curly thing that sticks out the bottom of a hat.  I probably will wear that more.  I will take pictures of the different looks when Rob is home.

I treated myself to a mani/pedi today also.  I figured if I can get out of the house I will do it the Friday before my next treatment.  It will give me something nice to look forward to before the chemo on Monday.  I painted my nails a nice green in honor of St. Paddy's Day.

I also lost half of my stubble on my head today in the shower.  I figure most of it will be gone by Monday.  I can't wait for all of it to fall out because it makes a crunchy sound on my pillow (I did start wearing a hat to sleep in) and it is getting stuck on anything I wear on my head.  Sean was cute today and looked at my head and said, "Mommy, your hair is falling down."  This meant to him that I did not have hair and not that it was falling out.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Fabulously Bald

On Sunday, my hair started falling out from the chemo.  I got a bad headache before it started and my hair felt heavy.  I thought it was funny that I could just pull out handfuls of hair.  It was really weird.  I decided on Monday for Rob to shave my head.  We were going to have Sean help.  He watched a bit, but wasn't too interested.  He decided to read some books and keep crawling under the tripod since we were also video taping it.  It took a while because we were using Rob's mustache trimmer.  It worked though.  Rob tried giving me a mohawk first.  It wasn't too successful.  He also saved his favorite curl for last.  On Friday, I am going to get my wig fitted.

Getting started:

Rob attempting a mohawk: 

One Curl to Go:

All Done:

Monday, March 8, 2010

Feeling Better

Sorry it has taken so long to post.  It's been a rough few weeks.  I was feeling fine after the chemo until the 3rd day and it was downhill from there.  I was very sore in my neck, head and throat, tired, my teeth hurt, nothing tasted good and it hurt to eat.  I was feeling better on Saturday (Day 6), but in the evening my stomach/IBS was a wreck and I had severe back cramps and that was bad until Tuesday.  I also got a rash on my hands.  Everything I got were side effects.  Now I know what to expect for next time.

My belly is doing good.  I got some of the stitches out last Monday and the rest of them today.  The nurse practitioner was very happy with how it is looking.  I still have a hole in my belly about 2 inches by 1/2 inch  wide by 1/2 inch deep.  She said it will probably take at least another month for it to heal.  I am happy with that especially with what it looked like before.

Saturday night my head was hurting.  I thought it was from dinner.  I realized Sunday morning my hair was starting to come out and that is why my head was hurting.  So since it is coming out so much, I decided to shave it off tonight.  Rob is going to do it and we are going to have Sean help so he doesn't wake up in the morning and get scared of my bald head.  We figured if he watched and we explained to him what was happening, it would be better for him.  I will get a fitting for the wig later this week.