Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tests, Tests and More Tests

Sorry I haven't updated lately.  A lot has been going on.  I saw my breast surgeon for my check up and everything was good with that.  I had my repeat blood work for the liver function and my levels are back down to normal.  Hooray.

I did finally get a uterine U/S per the request of my Oncologist and of course, they found something.  I have a small fibroid at the top of my uterus that is about 1 cm.  That isn't too much to worry about my gynecologist said, but they also found a 4 1/2 cm hemorrhagic ovarian cyst on my right side.  Right now the cyst is bleeding into itself and not out.  I have to go back in 6 weeks for another U/S to see if it shrinks.  My guess if it doesn't, it mean surgery.  Hopefully, it will shrink. 

The Oncologist also wants me to get a colonoscopy, so I have that scheduled for May 13.

My MIL is also not doing well right now.  She can no longer swallow from her Parkinsons.  It is really hard to see her this way.  She is only on pain meds and she hasn't eaten since Tuesday.