Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Finally time

I had my oncologist check up last month.  All blood work looked great.  I had my mammogram a few weeks ago and it also check out great.  I had a check up with the breast surgeon and she gave me the all clear for my surgery next week.  I see her again in April.

I go in for surgery on Tuesday, December 6th for my “finishing” surgery.  They are fixing my scars and doing a fat transfer to make the reconstructed breast look more like the real one.  I will be out of work for 4 days.  It’s been 2 years since the mastectomy.  I can’t wait!

I had my 6 month check up for my ovaries 2 weeks ago and I have another hemorrhagic cyst again.  I know it is from the Tamoxifen, but at least the cysts are not causing much pain.  Gyn was surprised when I told her I didn’t have any.  I see her tonight for my check up.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Tests, Tests and More Tests

Sorry I haven't updated lately.  A lot has been going on.  I saw my breast surgeon for my check up and everything was good with that.  I had my repeat blood work for the liver function and my levels are back down to normal.  Hooray.

I did finally get a uterine U/S per the request of my Oncologist and of course, they found something.  I have a small fibroid at the top of my uterus that is about 1 cm.  That isn't too much to worry about my gynecologist said, but they also found a 4 1/2 cm hemorrhagic ovarian cyst on my right side.  Right now the cyst is bleeding into itself and not out.  I have to go back in 6 weeks for another U/S to see if it shrinks.  My guess if it doesn't, it mean surgery.  Hopefully, it will shrink. 

The Oncologist also wants me to get a colonoscopy, so I have that scheduled for May 13.

My MIL is also not doing well right now.  She can no longer swallow from her Parkinsons.  It is really hard to see her this way.  She is only on pain meds and she hasn't eaten since Tuesday.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Fatty Liver?

Well the good thing is that I don't have liver cancer, but I have a Fatty Liver.  They are not sure what they are going to do about it now.  I have to repeat my blood test in a few weeks to see if it resolves or gets higher.

In the meantime, I called my Gastroenterologist to see what he has to say and I am going to do some more research into it.  I did see one thing that Tamoxifen can cause this, but I don't think the oncologist will take me off it yet.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Oncologist Update

I had my 4 month check up at the oncologist on Wednesday and a check up with my endocrinologist as well.  My endocrinologist was happy with my progress and my weight loss.  She was going to take blood for some tests, but I told her that the oncologist will be taking some later.  She told me to have the other order piggy backed on to the oncologist’s testing.  Hooray…only have to have blood drawn once.  I don’t have to go back to see her for 6 months.

I saw the oncologist.  She was also happy with my progress.  My symptoms from the Tamoxifen have decreased.  It is nice not having a hot flash every day.  She wants me to see my GYN to have a ultrasound done on my uterus, etc, since I am on the Tamoxifen.  There is an increase risk of ovarian and uterine cancer on the drug.  I don’t have to go back for 6 months.

I went down to get my blood drawn.  I have bad problems with my veins to begin with.  I looked for my favorite phlebotomist, but she was not there.  It was already late in the day.  I didn’t think that there would be a problem since they are usually good there.  I was very wrong.  The lady stuck me once and that vein collapsed.  She started digging and blood started dripping out.  I asked her to stick me in another vein.  Same thing happens again…she says I am a bleeder.  No…bad phlebotomist.  She finally sticks me a third time to finish off the rest of the viles.  I am white as a ghost and ready to pass out.  They had to bring Rob in to get me.  At least the supervisor saw what happened and asked if I usually have problems with my veins.  I told her yes, but usually I don’t have a problem here.  She told to ask for her if the other good tech was not available.

I got a phone call on Thursday from the nurse at the oncologist.  They wanted me to get an ultrasound on my liver because I have elevated liver enzymes.  Great…another test.  She asked me about some meds I was on. . Hopefully, it is just because of some medication and not something more serious.  I went this morning to have the ultrasound done at NYU.  The tech told me that my doctor will get the results in a few days.  She didn’t tell me if the test went well or not.  Hopefully, the results will come back quickly.

Friday, March 11, 2011

Appointments Next Week

I have 2 appointments next week with the endocrinologist and the oncologist.  I am also still deciding if I am getting the Zometa IV for Calcium.  It has both good and bad side effects.  I still have to do a little more research.