Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Website Name Change

I changed my website name, so I can make it public again.  Let me know if anyone has problems accessing the new site.  http://gailcheri.blogspot.com

Sunday, August 22, 2010


I saw the oncologist on Wednesday.  Sean had to go with me since she changed my appointment from next week and he was on vacation.  He was very good.  I spoke to the oncologist about the side effects from the tamoxifen, bone density and still being pre-menopausal. She wants me to take a bone density IV every 6 months since the tamoxifen decreases it.  They only problem with the drug is problems healing from dental work.  She wants me to see the dentist before I start.  I see her again in 3 months and we can discuss about it then.  She also talked about taking a drug like lupron to stop my periods, since my cancer is estrogen based.  I am still not happy with that idea.  That is why I did the chemo.  I will talk to her about that at my next appointment as well.  She did state that the bone density meds has a 30% less chance of recurrence for post menopausal women.  I have some things to decide.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Doctor Appointments

I had 2 doctor appointments this week.  I saw the plastic surgeon and he officially said that my belly wound is now closed.  Finally after 8 months.  I can go swimming now.  He liked how the scar looked, even though it is really bad.  He advised me to wait a while for the scar to soften and for me to lose weight before he will fix it.  I probably won't do anything until next year anyway.  I don't have to go back to see him until I am ready for the surgery.

I saw the breast surgeon yesterday.  She was very happy with how the reconstructed breast looks.  She advised me not to get a reduction on the good one to match the reconstructed one.  She too, advised me to lose weight and see what happens.  She doesn't recommend anything be done to the good one, even though the plastic surgeon thought it would be ok.  She said that the scars could cause issues checking for cancer later.  She said she would give me a prescription for a prosthesis, but I will wait and see.

So, I will lose weight, exercise and wait and see what happens.  I got back and see her in 8 months, even though she wanted to see me in 6...no appointments available.  Also I have to get a mammogram in November.  I only need it on the right side, since the left is reconstructed.