Sunday, August 22, 2010


I saw the oncologist on Wednesday.  Sean had to go with me since she changed my appointment from next week and he was on vacation.  He was very good.  I spoke to the oncologist about the side effects from the tamoxifen, bone density and still being pre-menopausal. She wants me to take a bone density IV every 6 months since the tamoxifen decreases it.  They only problem with the drug is problems healing from dental work.  She wants me to see the dentist before I start.  I see her again in 3 months and we can discuss about it then.  She also talked about taking a drug like lupron to stop my periods, since my cancer is estrogen based.  I am still not happy with that idea.  That is why I did the chemo.  I will talk to her about that at my next appointment as well.  She did state that the bone density meds has a 30% less chance of recurrence for post menopausal women.  I have some things to decide.

1 comment:

  1. That's a tough call. I would speak to the endocrinologist and your gynecologist first to learn as much as you can before making that decision. I would also look into that 30% statistic - most women who get breast cancer are peri-menopausal and the chemo pushes them into menopause, plus, the women who get it younger, tend to have a more aggressive form and that might stack the statistics against the whole pre-menopausal group. Try to find out what the number is for women with your particular type and stage of breast cancer.
