Wednesday, February 17, 2010

New Haircut and New Wig

Big day today.  My belly was still hurting from all the pulling and stitching, but nothing a little percocet couldn't fix.  My mom and dad picked me up for my haircut.  The hairdresser put my hair in a ponytail and snipped.  She was only able to get 6 inches, so it is too short to donate to Locks of Love.  I am a little disappointed at that.  I got my haircut.  I think I more like my sister now.  The cut is a little longer than I was thinking of getting, but my hairdresser said to come back in a few weeks to get a shorter one before I shave/lose it.  It feels very light and weird.

Here is the before and after:

We then went to find a wig.  The place was very nice.  Since they took insurance I didn't have to lay out anything for the wig, an added plus.

Meet Shirley:
It was hard to try on the wigs with all my hair, but we got a decent idea on the look.  The lady said that they do not make many curly wigs because it is not the style right now.  I have to go back for a fitting when I lose my hair and she will trim the wig to fit my face.

I was also able to get a prosthesis for my breast, since it is not fully formed yet and the plastic surgeon is not fixing my breasts until after my chemo is finished.  I am happy with how it now looks.

The day wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be.  Thanks to everyone who posted thoughts and encouragement on Facebook.  It was nice to see all the comments.  Rob & Sean are not home yet.  It will be interesting to hear what Sean will say about it.  I know Rob was disappointed about me getting my haircut, but he would rather have me bald and healthy, then with a head full of hair.  I think the wig might freak him out in the middle of the night, especially since it will be sitting on my makeup table in the bedroom.  Hopefully the cats won't find it a new plaything.

I still have a way to go, but the finish line is getting closer.


  1. Holy Moly!!! Okay, when I first saw the thumbnail on Facebook I thought "Holy Crap! She looks just like her mother". But now when I see the larger one, you are right, you do like more like Hope. But then again she looks like Aunt Terry, so there you go. And that wig is odd-looking. It is so not you, but I guess we will get used to it! Great attitude getting through what must have been a really tough day (I'm sure the percocet helped that too ;) ) And nice to hear that your boobies are even looking again - uneven boobies can really throw you off balance :P

  2. WINDY!!! LOL!!!

    Gail - the only thing I know for sure is that Sean is going to LOVE whatever you look like. My kids are 16 and 11 and they tell me how pretty I am. There is really nothing like having boys!
